More than 100 UTVs showed up to the first Fire in the Sky UTV Fun Run that was held August 7-9, 2020 in Eastern Arizona.

The event’s theme was based on the true events from 1975 when Travis Walton and his crew of five disappeared while completing a thinning project for the Forest Service on the Mogollon Rim. He was later found at a phone booth that still stands there today. He recounted his experience in a book called “Fire in the Sky,” which was then made into a movie by Paramount Pictures.

The Fire in the Sky UTV Fun Run included alien-themed runs, rock-crawls and activities along the Arizona trails. The games, raffles and auctions raised $1800 that benefitid the Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

The 2021 Fire in the Sky UTV Fun Run is scheduled for September 24-26.

Here’s a video with a look at the 2020 Fire in the Sky UTV Fun Run:
VIDEO | 2020 AZOP Racing Fire in the Sky Fun Run
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